Selected publications
"Contribution to the study of the history of Phthiotis during the late period of Ottoman rule. Mid 18th century - 1820" (in Greek), Phthiotika Chronika, 13 (1992) pp. 36-56.
Agathoklis Azelis, Ioannis Karachristos, "Die Genese der modernen Zivilisationsterminologie in den Sprachen Südosteuropas. Der griechische Fall", Österreichische Osthefte, 41 (1999) pp. 321-329.
"The incorporation of Phthiotis into the Ottoman administrative system: The kanunname of Zeitun" (in Greek), Proceedings of the 1st Conference on the History of Phthiotis, 3-4 November 2001, Lamia 2002, pp. 38-44.
"Migration from the island of Syros to Constantinople (1759 - 1818)" (in Greek), in: Asterios Argyriou (Ed.), The greek islands: From the Franks to the present. Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Modern Greek Studies, Rethymno, 10-12 May 2002, Athens 2004, Bd. II, pp. 161-171.
"Kin Terminology and the Study of Kinship: A Case Study on the Greek Island of Syros (1750-1820)", History of the Family: An International Quarterly, 9 (2004), pp. 299-315.
"Theoretische Überlegungen zur Wahrnehmung der Migration. Am Beispiel von Migrationen griechisch-orthodoxer Bevölkerungsgruppen Kleinasiens", Wiener Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik. Beiträge zum Symposion Vierzig Jahre Institut für Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik der Universität Wien im Gedanken an Herbert Hunger, (Wien, 4.-7. Dezember 2002), [Byzantina et Neograeca Vindobonensia], Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 2004, pp. 231-240.
Ioannis Karachristos, Michael Warlas, "Immigrants in Smyrna – Refugees in Greece: Subsequent transformations of identity among the Kytherian migrants", in: Maria Stassinopoulou - Ioannis Zelepos (Hg.), Griechische Kultur in Südosteuropa in der Neuzeit. Beiträge zum Symposium in memoriam Gunnar Hering, (Wien, 16.-18. Dezember 2004), [Byzantina et Neograeca Vindobonensia], Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 2008, pp. 375-386.
Ioannis Karachristos, Michael Warlas, "Memory of local origin and identity among the descendants of Smyrna’ Kytherians" (in Greek), Proceedings of the 8th International Panionian Conference, Kythira , 21-25 May 2006, Kythira 2009, Bd. 3, pp. 128-138.
Ioannis Karachristos, Michael Warlas, "Education in the collective memory: The Genealogy and Oral History Project of the Foundation of the Hellenic World" (in Greek), in: Social Inequality and Education: Conference dedicated to 20 years since the establishment of.the Department of Education Schiences in Pre-School Ages, Alexandroupoli, 28–30 March 2008 (in print).
Ioannis Karachristos, Michael Warlas, "Narrating one’s Life Story: Storytellers, Storytelling Cultures and the Dimensions of Self-presentation among the greek-orthodox Αsia Μinor refugees", in Narratives across Time and Space: The 15th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, Athens, 21-27 June, 2009. (in print).